Offer More Efficient Customer Support at a Lower Cost with Live Chat

Excellent customer service with ChatLead

Live chat is now an essential tool for online customer support that leads to better customer satisfactions, more sales, and lower service costs. Here are some reasons your business should use live online chat for customer support.

People Love Live Chat

Live chat provides a means of instant communication with a business, and people love instant. As a result,chat has become one of the most commonly used methods for online support.

When customers engage with a live chat representative, the experience is relatively quick and easy. When implemented properly, chat does not get in the way. Shoppers can continue browsing the website while chatting.

With ChatLead, operators have access to each customer’s path while visiting the website, co-browsing features, and other helpful tools. This makes it almost as if your support team is right there helping your customers find their way around, improving the experience for them and increasing the likelihood of more sales for you. Everyone wins.

By offering live chat as a support option, you are opening up to customers who may have left your website without asking for support.

Reduced Cost of Customer Service

The cost of customer support with live chat is lower than most other options like email or phone support. Customer service representatives using chat spend less time per interaction than they would with other methods, so each session takes up less of your team’s time. And we all know that time = money.


Chat allows support staff to do more things at the same time. A chat agent can handle multiple customers. A phone operator can only handle one at a time.

Businesses can see major cost reductions over time with an efficient live chat system.

Overall, the use of live chat can save money on implementation, ongoing platform and service costs, and employee task time.

What are you waiting for?

Find out how ChatLead can help your customer support team become more efficient, save you money, and make your customers happier.
Call us at 1-800-516-8412, contact us here, or chat with us to get started.

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